Magistrates Court

The Magistrates Court is the first level of the Queensland Courts system. Most criminal cases are first heard in this court in some form. Most civil actions are also heard here.

Below are links to information about the Magistrates Courts of Queensland.

About the Magistrates Court

How the Magistrates Courts work, where they’re located and types of matters they deal with

What happens at the Magistrates Court

The process a defendant follows when charged with an offence in the Magistrates Court

Decisions - Magistrates Court

Decisions published on the Supreme Court Library Queensland website

Chief Magistrate's Notes

Notable decisions relevant to the Magistrates Court

Online Application for a Court Event (Magistrates Courts)

Apply online to ask for an adjournment, to bring a matter forward and/or to seek a direction from the court.

Domestic and family violence

Domestic violence orders (DVOs), having DVOs made against you and how to get support.

Court programs

Information about programs available to address the underlying causes of offending behaviour by linking defendants with vital health, cultural and social services.

Going to the Magistrates Court

Information and resources about matters dealt with in the court, such as money disputes and applying for bail.

Appealing from Magistrates to District Court

How to appeal an order made by a magistrate or justice of the peace.

List of Magistrates

List of current Queensland magistrates, when they were appointed and where they sit.

Magistrates Court calendars

Calendars for the various Magistrates Courts for the coming year.


Information about fees for tasks and processes in the Magistrates Court.

Practice directions - Magistrates Court

List of practice directions from the Magistrates Court.

Magistrates complaints policy

Process for bringing complaints about judicial conduct to the appropriate person.

Courthouses and contacts

Location, contact and facility details of the Magistrates Courts.

COVID-19 response